Add Description & Remove Logo on Event Emails
Misty Dorman
I would like for an event description to be added to the event reminder emails, so people remember why they might like to attend. Also, an option to remove my logo from these reminders. If I'm creating an event image, it's either already going to have my logo on it or be what I want showing as far as images go. It might be better to allow us to add a custom signature to the bottom of the emails, so they can tell who it's from.
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Sabine Weiss
How is this marked complete when its about the REMINDERS and not the invitations? The reminders are still totally blank emails with missing information ! And still those reminders are not translatable to german :(
Nick Barba
Hey all! We now include event descriptions in the event invite emails users receive. We also include the event banner image in the email (which you can now find on the event setup page). Here's an example of an event email with a description and banner image:
Ruth Pages
Yes! And bé able to translate the sent text in the notificat ion emails!
Netta Gorman
Yes, and please remove the "July 17" icon from subject line + reminder/invitation emails.