Misty Dorman - Heartbeat Team
I believe this should have been fixed with the new embed feature.
Steve Hearn
Misty Dorman - Heartbeat Team: Couldn't get it to work Misty, but it could just be me?
Steve Hearn
Ahhh, working for posts on own Social, not replies on Hearth 👍
Steve Hearn
Misty Dorman - Heartbeat Team
Steve Hearn: I made a new feature request for you to vote on here: https://heartbeat.canny.io/feature-requests/p/video-embed-in-comments
Misty Dorman - Heartbeat Team
Steve Hearn: There's not an ability to embed in comments right now. You can paste a link into the comments to a video & depending on the platform, it may show as embedded. I know YouTube, Vimeo, Loom, & Searchie work. There might be a few others as well.
Steve Hearn
Misty Dorman - Heartbeat Team: Thank you Misty 🙏
Misty Dorman - Heartbeat Team
j scott have you tried using the video embed feature for bigvu to see if it's working now?