Formatting and Text Options - It's the Little Things...PLEASE
Eryn Anitavi
Hey Heartbeat Team... this one is HUGE. it's all nice and awesome to have a community and course material and a great user experience but when the content that we're writing and selling just looks like trash... it's a big problem.
We really need stronger formatting options. Or at least the option to format it somewhere else and then copy/paste and have it hold.
Headers, text type, bold, italic, spacing... just regular options that are available in any Word or Google doc. My pictures/gifs don't sit where I want them, spacing is awful, I can never find the header options, the italic button is just not there even though the keyboard command works.
If I can't create beautiful content, I can't charge a premium rate for my community.
Please, please, please prioritize this?
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Lea Turner - HoLT Founder
and why can't we add GIFs & text in one comment?
Kai Lossgott
The formatting options are supported in courses, posts, and docs... I'm not sure where you might be missing them or why you have not yet discovered them.
Eryn Anitavi
Kai Lossgott Only very minimally. Things like bold, underline, font, and two header options. I have no controls over spacing, changing individual word sizes, adjusting how embeds are presented, the sizes of images... it's just super basic controls which just aren't enough to create dynamic content.
Unless I'm just having an operator error (haha) and haven't figured out how to do this. I'm pretty tech savvy though so... maybe there's something else not working on my end?
Kassy Killey
Eryn Anitavi I can understand wanting better options... but for the most part, I can do the things you listed in posts, courses, and resouces. Like you said, though sometimes I just use the text commands. It's weird what and how to trigger the contextual menu. But you can put images in the middle of text. You don't have as much control on the sizing and spacing, but it's usually good enough.
Another tip that works on resources at least is using Notion.
I'd love bullets and better formatting in comments though