Remove HB signature in the weekly digest
Dr. Lynyetta Willis
It would be great if the heartbeat signature in the weekly digests could be editable so we could remove Heatbeat and add our names/logos.
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Nick Barba
Email white-labelling & text customization is here! Emails can now be sent through your own domain. This includes invite emails, weekly digests, event rsvp emails, notification emails, and more! You can also customize text on some of these emails (invitations & weekly digest emails). When you set up your custom domain for emails, the Heartbeat logo will no longer appear at the bottom of weekly digest emails.
To get started, follow these steps:
- Visit Settings > Email Settings and follow the process to connect your domain
- Choose which email address all new emails will come from
- Customize text for different email types
For now, email customization is limited to invitation emails & weekly digest emails, but we're working to expand this over time!
Saif Al Rawahi
Nick Barba: I don't think it addresses the heartbeat logo
Mark Randall
This is needed for proper branding for each company.
Ryan Logan
I think there should be an option to pull from the 'Community Theme Logo' that is set.
Like with the mobile app icon, this is a deal-breaker for me. It's too much like a dating app feel.
Michael Omori
Yes! And an own editable text would be great!