Translate at least the checkout into Spanish and other languages.
Alex Admin
Paying for a product and having the payment process be in a language that is not yours becomes complicated. Nobody is going to pay in a language that is not theirs.
About 2 years ago we asked for the translation of Heartbeat into Spanish and other languages, but at least to be able to sell products in our language.
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Matías Novoa Echaurren
Please translate into spanish!! It is one of the most spoken languages in the world!! I just sold a course to a big spanish speaking audience and the purchasing experience for the customer was poor to say the least.
Martina Jordan
I would like to be able to translate to German.
David Valls y Machinant
hi Nick Barba have you plan to translate in french ?
And is for all platform or only checkout ? Thanks you advance ^^
Nick Barba