WordPress accounts sync with Heartbeat
Diane SpaceWorker
I have my own community featuers on my website and want members of it to be sync with members of the heartbeat community. How to achieve this ?
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Lucio Odisei
I would like to sync Hearthbat wit Wordpress to limit some wordpress blog post only to people belonging to certain Hearthbeat group (for example only for paying customer)
Prabhaharan D
Would love to have this feature soon. I am planning to bring an international education based association to Heartbeat. Their membership portal has already been done with WordPress + Wishlist Member. Please make this feature available soon.
Steve Dittmar
Would love this feature as well. I'm currently trying out Heartbeat as a Slack replacement, but reduction of the number of accounts/IDs would be yet another advantage I could point to when convincing my colleagues that the move to Heartbeat is worthwhile. Reducing the number of IDs also makes it more likely that our members will participate in all of the various perks/features our membership has to offer, presumably making their membership feel more worthwhile and increasing retention/renewal.
David Valls y Machinant
I need this amazing features for integrate with my content platform ^^.
I wish you the best for 2023
Celia Foster
Please integrate everything possible with wordpress. My entire site is made with it.
Dennis Kamprad
Yes, please make this happen! I've been waiting to finally use heartbeat when I can connect it to WordPress. Here, I use another plugin to manage my members (Wishlist Member), with some other on-site benefits. Only once I can use this central membership database for heartbeat too, I'll finally be able to offer my members a community (managing multiple directories or sign-up options, even just for a limited amount of time, is not an option for me). So please, don't keep us waiting for too long :)
Masuk Sarker Batista
Please please please make it happens.
Dr. Mariano
I would like Heartbeat to be the forum to my Wordpress website. So integration with WordPress like PeerBoard does would be so so useful.
Orla Fitz
This would be phenomenal - Id love to have these sync/integrate so members of my WP community can easily access Heartbeat community without needing to sign up again. Then easy link through from the menu.
Knowne World Web
SSO for other platforms, too, please! I use Brilliant Directories
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